Therese and Vianney Cenacles are groups of men and women (Lay and religious) who are affiliated with the Apostolate of Prayer for Priests and, placing themselves under the intercession of St. Therese the Little Flower and St. John Mary Vianney, the Patron Saints of Priests, come together to pray for priests and vocations. Taking inspiration from the Congregation for the Clergy’s 2012 publication “Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity”, the Apostolate of Prayer for Priests is proud to introduce both Public and Private Therese and Vianney Cenacles in order to magnify the Congregation’s worldwide initiative of intercessory prayer for priests, especially through Eucharistic Adoration. 

Private Therese and Vianney Cenacles

Private Therese and Vianney Cenacles are dynamic gatherings of two or more people who come together to pray for priests and vocations at a home, parish conference room or other private setting.

The structure of each Private Therese and Vianney Cenacle is determined primarily by the group leader in consultation with the participants, with the Apostolate of Prayer for Priests providing guidance in the form of broad parameters and suggestions.

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