Eternal Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the High Priest, I……… offer myself as a spiritual mother for the sanctification of priests. I ask for special graces and virtues to help me in my maternal role so that I may faithfully carry out this holy duty with humility, holiness and great zeal. I am not worthy to assume such a title and as I acknowledge my nothingness, I unite my self-offering to the Most Worthy Mother of the High Priest, Mary Most Holy. I am at her disposal and I offer my poor hands and heart that she may place in them all her priest-sons who are also my fathers that I may be a vessel to obtain for them the sanctity pleasing to You.

 I surrender myself to the Holy Spirit that I may be docile and offer my fiat in the same way the Blessed Virgin Mary offered herself to bring forth the Son of God. May my humble offering bring new life to all priests and seminarians so that they may obtain the holiness required in their sublime vocation. May Jesus, the Eternal High Priest bless myself-offering through His Most Sacred Heart.

In order to make a concrete act of faith for your priests, I have in your name committed myself to offer for Fr… from…, who serves the Church in…Fr…who serves the Church in….,(Mention all the names of the priests you have adopted in a special way) and all the priests Our Blessed Mother has placed in the palms of my hands that I be their spiritual mother, the following prayers and sacrifices:

NB: Tick what is applicable to your time (You can write what you have dedicated to do in spaces provided e.g.: “weekly: twice”.

  • Eucharistic Adoration/ Holy Hours – (Daily, weekly,…………)
  • Sacrifice of the Mass-(Daily, weekly: …………………)
  • Prayers for Priests- (Daily)
  • One Sacrifice/ Renunciation -(Daily, weekly: …………………..)
  • One hour of work -(Daily, weekly: ……………………)
  • Acts/Works of Charity- (Daily, weekly: .……………………)
  • Reading scripture (Lectio Divina) – (Daily, weekly: .…………………)
  • One full Rosary-(Daily, weekly: ……………………..)
  • Confession-(Weekly, monthly: ………………………..)
  • Stations of the Cross-(Daily, weekly: …………………….)
  • Liturgyof the hours/DivineOffice (Daily)
  • Saturday devotion in union with Our Lady, Mother of priests-(weekly)
  • Examination of Conscience and resolutions-(Daily, weekly: …………)
  • Spiritual reading/Meditation-( for personal sanctity )-(Daily, weekly)
  • Spiritual direction- (Weekly, monthly: ………………)

I ask you, Lord, to grant me the necessary grace and fortitude to always honor thiscommitment.Amen.

Holy Mary, Queen of the Apostles and Mother of Priests, pray for me.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for me.

St. Jean Mary Vianney, pray for me.

Name……………………………………………………   Date………………………..

(Insert your name in the space provided, to remind yourself of what you have undertaken. Renew this dedication at least once a year on the same date).

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